Welcome to Buxton Croquet Club

A game for all ages and abilities

Croquet is a fun game to play, the rules are quick to learn and you can borrow all the equipment.

The health and fitness benefits are tremendous, you can get outdoors into the fresh air,  focus your mind on the game, and forget everyday stresses. Be competitive but most importantly have a laugh and have fun.

If you fancy having a go, please get in touch.

More details about our playing facilities can be found here

Upcoming Events

Wed 19/06/24 Coaching by FEMCC

Playing Information

Ashwood Park

Playing times are Dawn to Dusk!

Please use the booking system to reserve your slot

Our lawns are maintained by Green Thumb


Tactical Conundrum

On a recent training course in York, two of our members found themselves in a situation that stumped the experts!

Blue to play next – what shot would you play?